
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly becoming a strategic priority for countries worldwide. As is the case with most new technologies, the establishment of regulatory and compliance frameworks has lagged behind AI's rise. However, this is set to change as governments across the globe seek to clarify their approach to governing AI.

As companies increasingly integrate AI into their products, services, processes, and decision-making, they will need to do so in ways that comply with the varying approaches around the globe.

To help you stay on top of developments, we've built Polaris, an all-in-one Guidance tracker that covers incoming and recent AI legislation, regulation, legal action, incidents, penalties and more. Polaris actively monitors cutting-edge developments in this fast-evolving field, to help professionals, researchers and policy specialists better understand the AI risk landscape.

Our navigable interface allows you to zero in on specific countries – or, in the US, individual states – and see the status of diverse initiatives, supplemented by additional insights from Polaris's industry-leading policy experts. Polaris will keep you updated on legislation that, if passed, would directly impact businesses' implementation of AI solutions in the US, UK, EU and beyond.

With our interactive map you gain oversight throughout all stages of the legislative life cycle, as well as how existing laws are already being applied to AI systems through emerging legal action.

Experience first-hand how our interactive Guide simplifies AI research and discovery.

Our Methodology

If we think a new development has important public safety or security implications, we add it to Polaris. New entries usually introduce the most recent advancements that hadn't previously existed or represent a flagged concern.

Each legislative initiative includes a brief summary of who it impacts, how far it has got, and when it will apply, as well as useful links. For incidents and lawsuits, we provide a summary of the facts, identify the entity responsible, impact of the harm, and useful links to read more. You can also search by title or across multiple topics and jurisdictions.

Our methodology is constantly evolving. If you believe we're missing information or have any suggestions for us, please submit feedback, or email us at we@holisticai.com.

Polaris's Mission

The aim of Polaris is to advance responsible AI by offering guidance on AI developments from across the globe. Through world-leading research and industry expertise we have built the first-ever database to track and monitor legislative and regulatory initiatives world-wide.

Our team works closely with senior policymakers in the US, EU and elsewhere to understand how best to make the case for global coordination on AI legislation and regulation. We put together Polaris to ground those conversations in data, and to make it easier for professionals to understand the big picture of AI policy.

Dedicated to community building, knowledge sharing, and research, Polaris seeks to bring together industry, policymakers, and academia with a view to inform and strengthen AI governance, risk and compliance best practices.

Whether you're an AI enthusiast or looking to leverage AI to increase business efficiency, discover the latest developments & practical guidance to enhance efficiency and innovation.

We think there's now room for a more robust and comprehensive tool. And that can't happen without Polaris's efforts focused on keeping you up-to-date.

Holistic AI

Holistic AI is a Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) company with a mission to ensure that AI can be trusted to deliver its transformative potential. As global leaders in AI Risk Management we help empower enterprises to adopt and scale AI confidently.

Coming soon.

Across the globe, countries are taking different approaches to AI regulation. From guidelines to best practices to ethical frameworks, there is an influx of efforts to regulate AI.

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